Music Festivals API

Access global music festivals and many more using PredictHQ’s API

Global Music Festivals & Much More, All in One Place

Multiple data streams in just one API

Musical festivals gather thousands of people together, impacting many businesses. Knowing in advance when and where these festivals will take place - and exactly how many people will attend - is critical for accurate forecasting and optimal planning. Whether it's postponed or cancelled music festivals that need to be removed from your plans to avoid costly over-forecasting, or new or rescheduled festivals as the world begins to recover from the pandemic, your company needs a verified and up-to-the-minute source of this demand impact data. Our smart and intuitive API collates and aggregates millions of scheduled and unscheduled local, national and global events, including music festivals headlined by the Kanyes and Beyonces of this world, right through to more obscure gatherings featuring bands you’ve never heard of. Think of us as a music events API just for your business. We’re more than just a music data feed, though. We help you figure out how important each event is and how they could impact your business, giving you the tools you need to make great business decisions that will maximise your return on those events.

Ranked Music Festivals

Not sure what events matter most? Don’t worry - we’ve sorted them for you

Whether Coachella is coming up in a few weeks or Glastonbury tickets are about to go on sale, PredictHQ gives businesses all over the world the opportunity to take advantage of knowing what, when, and where music festivals and other big events are happening. Our RESTful API makes it easy for you to find out what events in the past, present or future have the potential to impact your business. We tell you which events are the most important. Our innovative ranking algorithm that we created assigns a numerical rank to every single event we store, so you can create a music data stream, filter from major to minor events then maximize your return on other people’s social lives.

How you use PredictHQ’s API is totally up to you. Integrate our data into your own applications, algorithms and data models to forecast how each event might impact your business. Improve your pricing intelligence and enrich your own apps and tools with our specialized data event science, then use that information to make big business decisions, like how many flights, rooms or cabs you need to make available on a particular date (and at what price), how much lead-in time you need for a marketing campaign, or how many people need be rostered on to cover an increase in demand (or cover leave).

Customer Stories

Integrate PredictHQ into your aviation data and get results

Learn how customers are integrating demand intelligence into their aviation data and seeing value.
Don't underestimate how much effort it takes to work with event data... Being able to rely on a company whose sole purpose is to remove the ambiguity of event data has been game-changing for us.
Read Legion’s Story
Try us out

Find out how much special events impact your location

You could be missing millions in revenue opportunities. Choose any location globally to quickly calculate the spend generated by nearby special events.

The Suggested Radius automatically returns the optimal radius based on your business type and the location that gives you just enough relevancy for your location, while excluding irrelevant events that likely wont have an impact.

Event Impact over next 90 days

  • Predicted Attendance

    The predicted number of people attending events within a location


  • Attended Events

    The sum total of Attended Events (e.g., sports, festivals, concerts, conferences, expos, and community)


  • Suggested Radius

    Suggested Radius is the optimal radius based on your business type and the location that gives you just enough relevancy for your location, while excluding irrelevant events that likely wont have an impact.


  • Predicted Event Spend (USD) - All Industries

    This figure is calculated from our core PredictHQ data, enriched by local economic indicators and partner data


  • Accommodation


  • Restaurants


  • Transportation


Event Trends Graph

Making Flat Event Data Intelligent

One music festival is not like the other

Don your flower crowns and get out your glow sticks, because PredictHQ takes the hard work out of sourcing and utilizing local, national and global event data. We pull hundreds of data streams and third party APIs across more than 18 categories (and counting) into one smart information source; we aggregate and cleanse it so you don’t have to. We link supporting event attributes to every one of the events we store, so all the information you need to make grounded business decisions are right there in one handy music API.

Event visibility just got so much easier. If you’re looking for a complex music data XML, you won’t find it here. Lookup events and get JSON responses. Integrate our data with any platform - and to make integrations even easier PredictHQ currently has Python and JavaScript SDKs available. We use the OAuth 2.0 standard for authentication, and access tokens are required to grant application access to the tools available on the API. Developers won’t need to spend precious time capturing, cleaning and maintaining disparate data sources. Plus, our API is versioned for easier maintenance. You can even search for events using IATA codes or geographical radiuses, or query multiple categories or locations at the same time. Now, you won’t see that at Tomorrowland.

You can’t prepare for what you don’t see coming

Harness the power of demand intelligence

Knowing the impact of demand causal factors like events will transform your business. The American Society of Hematology has a $45M estimated economic impact — and that's only one event in one city.

  • 0
    data points enriching
  • 0
    events across
  • 0
    cities, accessed via
    1 API

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