Smarter accommodation forecasting + pricing with event data

Accommodation companies are becoming increasingly data driven. Core to this transformation is the use of verified, enriched event data to forecast more accurately– so they can adjust their pricing, packaging, staffing and more with confidence. This report walks you through the straightforward five-step process leading accommodation companies are using in order to make the most of event-driven demand.

Event data + accommodation

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Accommodation demand anticipation was never easy, but the pandemic caused major changes to demand patterns, making it harder than ever to predict and price accordingly. To achieve the foresight needed to optimize planning, leading hotel groups are tapping into large events that cause surges in demand. This report shows you how to:

  • Understand the major demand drivers for accommodation
    Discover what kind of events drive major demand for hotels, and how to find the most relevant ones for your locations.
  • Yield more by using these insights in planning
    Understand how leading accommodation companies are using event data to proactively identify demand surges before they occur, and update their pricing and packaging in advance.
  • Learn how to use events to inform your existing forecasting + planning
    Demand intelligence is not designed to replace your existing processes, but to make them much more accurate. Learn how pinpointing event impact enables your team to take advantage of available demand in both high and low demand periods.

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