Severe Weather API

Access the world's most accurate and intelligent source of severe weather data and alerts using PredictHQ’s AI-Powered Platform and APIs.

Severe Weather Alerts. Plan better and react faster

Access to a real-time stream of severe weather events via API

The weather has an uncanny ability to really ruin your day. But when weather-related annoyances become much more than getting caught in a sudden downpour without an umbrella, it has the ability to significantly impact your business too.

It makes business sense to know about severe weather warnings ahead of time. But we’re not all blessed with at-home meteorologists or instant severe weather notifications to our smart phones. Use PredictHQ’s intelligent API to always stay ahead of severe weather, whatever the season and whatever the weather event. We collate, aggregate and maintain millions of scheduled and unscheduled events including severe weather warnings into one innovative API, then rank them numerically so you can filter from major to minor events. Make requests to our severe weather events API to discover events that could impact your business, like hurricanes, tornadoes or floods, then use this intel to change flights, release more rooms, or edit or stop ad campaigns - before the weather stops them for you. Store your own copy of events, so you can use them for data modeling and analysis, or enriching your own dataset to produce and sell derivative works.

Ranked Severe Weather Events

Not sure what events matter most? Don’t worry - we’ve sorted them for you

Forget trawling through global weather reports; PredictHQ’s RESTful global severe weather API lets you lookup millions of scheduled and unscheduled global events including severe weather, then tells you how important they are to help you preempt how they could impact your business. Our ranking algorithm assigns a numerical value to every single event in our weather data stream, so you can filter from major to minor events and see at a glance what severe weather events need special attention before they actually happen.

Don’t let the rain force you to change your plans; receive severe weather alerts before the storm arrives and react accordingly. With PredictHQ’s easy-to-use weather API, you can build customized applications that work seamlessly with our data and allow you to be prepared for the impact severe weather could have on your business. We don’t have a complex data XML; our API communicates with any platform, and our intelligent weighted algorithm associates event attributes and variables to every piece of information we store to help determine how important they are. Lookup events and get JSON responses. Integrate our data with any platform - and to make integrations even easier PredictHQ currently has Python and JavaScript SDKs available. We use the OAuth 2.0 standard for authentication, and access tokens are required to grant application access to the tools available on the API. Developers won’t need to spend precious time capturing, cleaning and maintaining disparate data sources. Plus, our API is versioned for easier maintenance, which means you’re one step closer to creating your own weather event database that will impact your business in a good way.

Customer Stories

Integrate PredictHQ into your aviation data and get results

Learn how customers are integrating demand intelligence into their aviation data and seeing value.
Don't underestimate how much effort it takes to work with event data... Being able to rely on a company whose sole purpose is to remove the ambiguity of event data has been game-changing for us.
Read Legion’s Story
Try us out

Find out how much special events impact your location

You could be missing millions in revenue opportunities. Choose any location globally to quickly calculate the spend generated by nearby special events.

The Suggested Radius automatically returns the optimal radius based on your business type and the location that gives you just enough relevancy for your location, while excluding irrelevant events that likely wont have an impact.

Event Impact over next 90 days

  • Predicted Attendance

    The predicted number of people attending events within a location


  • Attended Events

    The sum total of Attended Events (e.g., sports, festivals, concerts, conferences, expos, and community)


  • Suggested Radius

    Suggested Radius is the optimal radius based on your business type and the location that gives you just enough relevancy for your location, while excluding irrelevant events that likely wont have an impact.


  • Predicted Event Spend (USD) - All Industries

    This figure is calculated from our core PredictHQ data, enriched by local economic indicators and partner data


  • Accommodation


  • Restaurants


  • Transportation


Event Trends Graph

Get real-time event alerts

Make faster business decisions based on upcoming storms and severe weather changes 

Already know which types of storms and severe weather impact your business? Heavy rainfall, dangerous winds, and other severe weather can lead to changes in customer behaviors resulting in unexpected demand fluctuations. The challenge many face is making operational decisions before these shifts happen to ensure business efficiencies.  

With PredictHQ Notifications, you can set up real time event alerts to track severe weather most relevant to business demand fluctuations. With this platform, you’ll know when new storms are added to our system so you can make faster operational decisions around staffing, inventory, and more. 

Making Flat Event Data Intelligent

Because severe weather needs to be handled carefully

If you’ve always dreamed of a global storm events API, it’s time to wake up because it’s finally here. PredictHQ pulls multiple data feeds and third party APIs across more than 18 categories (and counting) into one intuitive information source (we manually compile data when we need to too), so all the severe weather data that could impact your business’ profitability can be found right there in one handy place.

It’s not just about pulling and aggregating events into one weather data feed though; PredictHQ’s API virtually thinks for you too. If you’re looking for a complex weather data XML, you won’t find it here. We aggregate and maintain hundreds of different sources so you can spend more time on building integrations, data models, algorithms and forecasting tools. You can even do smart things like use IATA codes to search for events, search within a geographical radius, or query multiple locations and categories at the same time. In a nutshell, PredictHQ is your personal fortune teller, weather reader and decision-maker, all molded together into one highly-intelligent storm API.

You can’t prepare for what you don’t see coming

Harness the power of demand intelligence

Knowing the impact of demand causal factors like events will transform your business. The American Society of Hematology has a $45M estimated economic impact — and that's only one event in one city.

  • 0
    data points enriching
  • 0
    events across
  • 0
    cities, accessed via
    1 API

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