9 million rides a year start with an event

Every minute matters when a customer decides it's time to move. Have your service or inventory nearby, ready to go for all impactful events. Leading rideshare and transport companies use PredictHQ's forecast-grade data to ensure quick service and competitive advantage.

Try us out

Calculate the Impact of Events on Transportation & Delivery Demand

Select any global transportation & delivery location to instantly estimate spend from nearby events

The Suggested Radius automatically returns the optimal radius based on your business type and the location that gives you just enough relevancy for your location, while excluding irrelevant events that likely wont have an impact.

Event Impact over next 90 days

  • Predicted Attendance

    The predicted number of people attending events within a location


  • Attended Events

    The sum total of Attended Events (e.g., sports, festivals, concerts, conferences, expos, and community)


  • Suggested Radius

    Suggested Radius is the optimal radius based on your business type and the location that gives you just enough relevancy for your location, while excluding irrelevant events that likely wont have an impact.


  • Predicted Event Spend (USD) - All Industries

    This figure is calculated from our core PredictHQ data, enriched by local economic indicators and partner data


  • Accommodation


  • Restaurants


  • Transportation


Event Trends Graph

The Challenge

Knowing where people will need and book transport is complex

Millions of people, hundreds of hot spots. And that’s just one major city, when your service covers many. With major events returning, companies need more proactive and resilient forecasting strategies that tap into the power of events, but this is complex and can not be tracked manually.

Our Solution

Know in advance when and where demand will kick in

Let PredictHQ track high impact events for you. Our systems aggregate and verify events from hundreds of sources. Our models then calculate attendance for each event, as well as add missing end times and geolocation details for many events. Our API can be plugged into any platform or model so you know exactly where your services are needed, before your customers pull out their phones to book.


Shorter Wait Times

Stop losing trips because your assets are elsewhere.


Price + Place Smarter

Tailor your strategies to meet future demand.


Not Just Major Events

Find clusters of smaller events that combine for big impact.


Shorter Wait Times

Unexpected surges in demand hit mobility companies often – but they don't need to be a surprise.

Understanding what drives your demand enables you to get your drivers or assets in the right place at the right time, reducing pick-up times and improving customer satisfaction and retention.


Price + Place Smarter

Knowing where demand will occur before it does is the opportunity to make your offering the most attractive.

Whether your teams shift enough assets to the location, offer incentives for passengers or drivers, or a combination of both, you can gain more market share when you predict demand better.


Not Just Major Events

You already know about the major football matches and concerts - but thousands of your customers go to smaller events every day.

Tracking these and knowing when several are clustered together to cause a major spike in demand is how the best-performing transport companies thrive.

    curl -X GET "curl -X GET https://api.predicthq.com/v1/events/impact/?rank.lte=80&impact_rank=rank&place.scope=5809844&active.gte=2020-01-01&active.lte=2020-02-01&active.tz=America/Los_Angeles"
  -H "Accept: application/json"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"

Customer Stories

Trusted by the best transport companies

From two leading rideshare companies, to Virgin Hyperloop One and one of the world's largest automobile companies – PredictHQ's demand intelligence is swiftly become a make-or-break tool in the competitive world of transport.

Don't underestimate how much effort it takes to work with event data... Being able to rely on a company whose sole purpose is to remove the ambiguity of event data has been game-changing for us.
Read Legion’s Story

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