Calculate Event Impact on Your Business

Discover the impact on your demand with PredictHQ’s enriched event data. Use the ROI calculator below to determine the potential impact that PredictHQ event data could have on your business.
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Event Impact Calculator

Choose any location globally to quickly calculate the spend generated by nearby events.

The Suggested Radius automatically returns the optimal radius based on your business type and the location that gives you just enough relevancy for your location, while excluding irrelevant events that likely wont have an impact.

Event Impact over next 90 days

  • Predicted Attendance

    The predicted number of people attending events within a location


  • Attended Events

    The sum total of Attended Events (e.g., sports, festivals, concerts, conferences, expos, and community)


  • Suggested Radius

    Suggested Radius is the optimal radius based on your business type and the location that gives you just enough relevancy for your location, while excluding irrelevant events that likely wont have an impact.


  • Predicted Event Spend (USD) - All Industries

    This figure is calculated from our core PredictHQ data, enriched by local economic indicators and partner data


  • Accommodation


  • Restaurants


  • Transportation


Event Trends Graph

Tap into more profit with our data

Integrate predictable demand surge and dips caused by events into your forecasting models, business dashboards and workflows with our ready-to-use web application and APIs.

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