Can you access Live TV events via Control Center?

Yes. Live TV Events are available via API (our broadcast API) and Control Center.

How to use Live TV Events in Control Center

To search for Live TV Events in Control Center, follow these steps: 

  1. Log into Control Center (

  2. Select the "Search" icon on the left hand tool bar

    Select the "Search" icon on the left hand tool bar

  3. Select "Live TV Events" on the top of the search (the other option is "real-world events" which you would use for non televised events.) Set parameters for your search. Select the location, date range, timezone, etc. We only cover one category for Live TV Events for now, so you will only be searching within the "sports" category.

    Live TV Events

  4. Televised sports games broadcast information is more accurate the closer to the date of the actual event, so although we recommend selecting a wide enough date range to get meaningful results for our real-world events, we recommend starting with 14-days forward looking data with Live TV Events. In this example we've chosen to look at the next 14 days in the state of Texas (we performed the search on January 4th, 2021). You'll see an NBA game is scheduled for January 8th, 2021 between the Houston Rockets and the Orlando Magic that is expected to have a viewership of 19,962.

    Televised sports games broadcast information

Note: We include historical data starting from January 1, 2018 for Live TV Events.