How do I invite people into my Organization?

Invite others to join your organization to use Control Center

To invite other people into your Organization do the following: 

  1. Log into Control Center

  2. Member menu
    Members menu in CC

    Chooses Members from the settings menu in the top right of Control Center. This loads the member's page where you can invite users.

  3. Enter the person's email address. Their first and last names are optional.

  4. Choose the role of "Admin" or "User".  See the section on Members in the Using Account Settings help article to learn more about these roles.

  5. Add additional invites by clicking Add Another Member.  

  6. When you're ready to send the invites, click Send Invite.

Send invite

If the person you're inviting doesn't already have a PredictHQ account, and as long as the person isn't already part of your Organization, the invite will appear under the Pending Invitations list below. Once they accept your invitation, they will be added to your Organization. If they already have a PredictHQ account set up, they will immediately be added to your Organization. 

You can also bulk invite other people into your Organization. Instead of adding individual email addresses and filling out their names, simply:

  1. Click Send Bulk Invites.

  2. Paste email addresses separated by a comma, space or line break.

  3. Click Send Bulk Invites.