I get too many emails from Notifications, how do I unsubscribe?

You can always stop emails being sent. Once you've signed into Control Center, navigate to the Notifications tab. On the top part of the screen, you will see a toggle labeled "Deliver emails". 

Deliver emails

Press the toggle to turn them off. A message will pop up to confirm that you want to stop receiving emails. Remember you'll still be able to access your notifications from within Control Center.

Stop email delivery

You also have the option to temporarily pause Notifications if you'd prefer. Navigate to "My Configurations". In this view, you'll see a list of all of the Notifications you've configured. On the far right hand side of each configuration, you'll see three icons: a pen, which allows you to edit, a pause button, which is what you'll select to pause the Notifications, and an "x", that you'd select to delete the entire Notification.

Temporarily pause Notifications

You also have the option to pause all notifications, which you'll see in the right hand corner above the individual configurations.

Individual configurations

Finally, we want to ensure that you're receiving the most relevant notifications specific to your business. Our team can work with you to edit your existing configurations to hone in on less volume and more relevancy. Contact our team here. You can also check out our recommendations on types of configurations to set up depending on your role and industry.