Predicted Events

Details on Predicted Events

Overview of Predicted Events

Predicted Events are events that haven’t been scheduled or even announced yet, but are expected to occur – based on years of historical event, entity, demand, and venue data.

Often, when it comes to some of the most impactful events, people might anecdotally know they are going to occur – but the date, time, and location are not officially announced until a few months before they occur. The Predicted Events feature provides a degree of probability for when and where these events will happen.

Use Predicted Events to see unconfirmed events and their approximate geographic area as early as possible to assess whether they would have an impact on your locations, so you can plan and adjust your operations in advance.

Stay up to date with changes to event status, meaning if the event is ultimately scheduled – it will become active, and complete with confirmed event details. Similarly, if the predicted event is canceled or postponed (for example, if there’s no official record from the provider), the event status will be updated to reflect this, so you can avoid including it in your plans.

How Predicted Events work

Predicted Events will have their own status, and you will be able to search and retrieve them just as any other event. Predicted Events will always carry some risk that they might not happen, because some of them may not come from our providers. We have internal logic and mechanisms in place to mitigate this risk.

All Predicted Events will be either upgraded to Active Events (the standard events that you’re already getting through our web application and APIs), or downgraded to Deleted, depending on whether or not they get confirmed by the providers closer to the due date. The same ID will carry over from Predicted, to Active, or Deleted – so you don’t need to fetch new IDs periodically. The Predicted Events feature includes the release of existing events that don’t officially have start times yet. These are events we had, but didn’t previously show due to their unconfirmed status. Now, these events will be visible with the label Predicted Events. These events will lack precise start times (hours of the day), but they will include start dates (the date on which they’re predicted to be held). 

Predicted Events also include entirely new events. These are based on analyzing recurring events, and inferring the next event in the set before it is officially announced by event organizers.

Predicted Events in the Product

You can query for Predicted Events in the API by setting the state filter (see the Events API search events documentation) to predicted. This will return events with the predicted state. You can choose multiple state values for example set state to active and predicted events to get back events in either state. The predicted value is also returned in the state field in the response.

To see Predicted Events in Control Center choose “Predicted” from the Event Status pull-down and click on the search button. Predicted Events are shown with a “Predicted Event” label and an explanation on the event details page. Predicted Events also show in the list of events shown for a location with Location Insights.

Predicted Events apply to events being held in the future. Events that occurred in the past wont have this status.

Predicted Events in Control Center