What does the closed-doors label mean?

The closed-door label is available for sports events category.

Sports are major drivers of demand. In times when there are pandemics or large groups cannot gather however, many sporting events will continue to take place without spectators or "behind closed doors." 

This closed-doors label enables teams and models to know instantly if an event will have attendees present or not. 

How to use our new closed-doors feature

Data scientists and engineers can use this feature in our API and via our Data Exporter while others can access it through our Control Center search functionality.

Control Center

To find these events in Control Center, simply open up the search tab and:

  1. Enter the term closed-doors into labels to search, and then tick the ‘lockdown’ label.

  2. Select the time period, location and any other parameters you want to search on

This will cause Control Center Search to display the relevant events that are taking place behind-closed-doors. 

Display the relevant events

How to access these events with the API

Call the API and filter using the closed-doors label. Then specify the location you want to see the closed-door sports events for (as well as any other filters you wish to use). The example below retrieves all closed-doors events that you have access to.

curl -X GET  https://api.predicthq.com/v1/events/?label=closed-doors \ -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"

If you wish to implement special handling for closed-doors events in your models or integration then look for the closed-doors label in events. PHQ Rank reflects the attendance of an event. Closed-doors events have very low attendance with only the teams and support staff so they will tend to have a low rank. Learn more