Can I give PredictHQ a go on a free trial basis?


We understand that customers prefer to try before they buy, so with PredictHQ, you can do exactly that. You don't even need to enter your credit card details to try our products out during the free trial period.

Simply sign up for PredictHQ, then test-drive our API for free.

You'll be using our free 14-day trial so you can take all the time you need to test. Your event visibility window is by default 90 days future looking data and access to historical data. Learn more about the 14-day trial features here. If you need this to be widened, please contact us.

After 14 days you will be moved to our free plan which has access to up to 2 locations and does not expire.

You can upgrade to a paid Premium Plan at any time. Get a free quote or reach out to our team directly.