Free plan: access PredictHQ data for free, forever

Introducing the PredictHQ Free plan

We’ve made some exciting new changes to our platform, which now includes a Free Plan!

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Sometimes, the quickest way to learn about a product is to just start using it. That is why we’ve chosen to open up access to our platform and launch a free version of our platform. Our free plan gives you the ability to explore our data a bit and evaluate if your business needs PredictHQ. You will be able to add up to 3 locations of your choosing to see events around those locations (see an example here). This is just one of several plans we have available. Let’s review what these different plans include, so you can determine which may be the right path for you.

All accounts start with a 14 day all-access trial 

When you sign up for our trial plan, you get 14 days of access to our entire platform. This trial allows you to get full access to our Web Application (Control Center) and each of our APIs for 14 days to try out our data. This includes:

  • Use Location Insights to add your locations to Control Center (no limit on # of locations) to get insights about events specific to your locations. This includes access to both Street address & Radius locations and City, State, or Country locations.

  • Use Notifications to set up email notifications to be informed of changes to events around your location or specific cities or geos of interest

  • Search and export any data you want 

  • Use our Daily Event Impact feature to see upcoming peaks in demand in areas of interest 

  • Explore our data without calling the API with our tool API Explorer

  • Access to all other features in Control Center

  • Access Live TV events (an event category unique to PredictHQ that provides predicted viewership for televised sports games) in Control Center (and via the API)

  • Use the  Events API to access events 

  • Use the Features API for pre-built features and aggregated insights of our data

  • All other APIs (places API, Calendar API, the broadcast API, and more)

  • Access to our Jupyter notebook data science guides and all other technical resources to get you started during your trial.

We know different businesses have different needs for our data and not all companies or users will need developer-level access to our data – but in either case, you’ll have it for 14 days. 

When you first get started, you’ll find there’s endless ways to explore intelligent event data. We recommend starting out by adding your locations of interest, exporting data, or setting up some notifications for visibility into what upcoming events may be relevant to your business.

Access up to 3 locations for free, forever

After your 14-day trial, all accounts are automatically moved to our free plan, which never expires. That’s right, it's free forever.

On the free plan, you get access to 3 location insights locations with a maximum radius of 5 miles (8 kilometers), with coverage across all 18 event categories. On the free plan you can use the following: 

  • Location Insights (access to Street address & Radius locations, but not to City, State, or Country locations)

  • Control Center search and export

  • Daily Event Impact

  • Notifications

  • Limited access to the API explorer

 If you want access to our APIs, features like our Snowflake and ADX integration, or any other features not available in Control Center – then simply upgrade your plan in Control Center, or contact us directly to discuss options. 

When to use PredictHQ’s free plan?

The real key to successfully using PredictHQ is knowing how you want to use it and what you are trying to get out of the platform. So let’s run down a couple of common use cases (some of which are supported by the free plan)

1. Better understand and prepare for local event impact

Add an individual store location to identify future event impact most relevant to your business. You’ll get insight into event impact per individual location, enabling you to get an accurate picture of upcoming demand from events, including total predicted attendance of events around the area and a breakdown of the types of events. You can add up to 3 locations for free. 

2. Quickly and easily share insights across your team

Access to information around upcoming demand can make or break a business’ day. Location insights not only provides insight into upcoming events surrounding your locations, it ensures you can make decisions around staffing, stock and more prior to the upcoming surge or dip in demand. You can easily share this information with your team members, making sure your entire team is informed and aligned. Check out an example. You can share insights for up to 3 locations on the free plan. 

3. Identify demand surges in advance to prepare

Using our daily event impact tool, you can use to find peak dates of demand. This means if you’re a restaurant you can better plan to have more staff on for peak days or if you’re a hotel, you can adjust pricing to optimize yield for upcoming peaks in demand. 

These are just a couple of examples of how to work with our data. The free plan provides an opportunity for you to get your feet wet with our data and platform. If you aren’t already a customer, we encourage you to explore a bit and let us know what you think. The free plan has some restrictions on what you have access to. For a list of limitations, see PredictHQ Free Plan details. To remove these restrictions, upgrade to a paid account here.