PredictHQ Quarterly Release – July 2022

Published on July 20, 2022
Valerie Williams
Senior Content Marketing Manager

Welcome to our July 2022 Quarterly Product Release! Every quarter, PredictHQ puts together the latest product and feature announcements to ensure you’re getting the most value out of our platform. 

Make better use of our demand intelligence with four new updates that include updates to Location Insights, Polygons for attended events, new recurring events models, and our new severe weather expansion for our Features API. 

Want a walk through of the updates instead? Check out our on-demand webinar where PredictHQ’s Director of Customer Success JJ Mills and Customer Experience Engineer Heath Blandford dig into the new releases and share ways to leverage them in your own day-to-day. For now, let’s take a closer look at each of the updates.

Updates to Location Insights and our dashboard

Location Insights are now included in the Control Center dashboard! The dashboard lists your top 5 locations sorted by the highest Predicted attendance.

How else has the dashboard changed? Where there once was an API usage graph – there are now a set of tiles with key Control Center features like search, Location Insights, using the API, notifications, and more. We made this change to make the dashboard more useful for you, and we’re planning even more dashboard improvements for the future.

dashboard updates

Along with the dashboard changes, Location Insights has also been updated to improve the suggested radius function. Learn more about the new Location Insights updates.

Polygons now covers attended events such as parades and marathons

At PredictHQ, one of our most critical pieces of data is our venue information, which tells us when a game, concert or show is taking place at a stadium, arena or concert hall. But what about attended events that are taking place over a large area such as a music festival, a parade, or marathon? 


Introducing polygons for attended events, which provide the areas impacted by parade routes, marathons, and more in the geo field in the API – and they also show on the map view in Control Center. 

Learn more about visualizing event impact with Polygons for attendance-based events.

Enhance your demand forecasting with recurring events

blog image - new recurring event models

Recurring events are scheduled, attended events which happen multiple times over a period of time. PredictHQ uses the concept of recurring event groups to link events together using our entities system. This is a critical function as these groups make it possible to search for all instances of a specific event within our API and Control Center

This quarter, we’ve launched new recurring events models to streamline the creation of recurring event groups. More coverage for recurring event groups means it’ll be easier to identify and plan ahead for recurring events that impact your business locations – and instantly see all other instances of any given recurring event.

Learn more about recurring events.

Severe weather features are now supported in the Features API

We’ve bundled Severe Weather features with Demand Impact Patterns to bring the most useful features to our platform. These severe weather features are now part of a new feature group, named phq_impact. This is to denote the fact that they are now compatible with demand impact patterns. 

As a Features API expansion, this release primarily benefits forecasting and correlation use cases, where you can quickly retrieve forecast-ready features for use in your analyses.

Learn more about the new severe weather expansion.

demand impact pattern

Want to dig deeper into these updates? We invite you to check out our Quarterly Release Webinar that covers our product updates from July 2022. We also encourage you to try the new features out to see how they may improve your workflow, or the way you use PredictHQ.