Use Placekey to join datasets and unlock deeper location-based insights

Published on January 15, 2023
Valerie Williams
Senior Content Marketing Manager

Placekey is a free, universal standard identifier for any physical place, which enables the data pertaining to those places to be easily shared across organizations. PredictHQ now provides Placekeys for events data to allow organizations to join our events data to other datasets that use Placekey. We’ve implemented Placekey for 7 attended event categories: 

Joining, linking, and graphing datasets together allows businesses to ask more and different kinds of questions – opening up new use cases and making joined datasets infinitely more valuable. 

One of the common joint data sets leveraging Placekey is events data, which provides information about an event and Point of Interest (POI) data, which provides additional information about where the event is taking place. In order to join these two types of data sets easily, PredictHQ has partnered with SafeGraph – a data company that specializes in providing granular location data and insights including foot traffic data, visit duration data, and spend data, which businesses use to better understand consumer behavior and preferences. 

How to access Placekey with PredictHQ

There are a variety of ways to access Placekey with PredictHQ. The Placekey for an event is returned in our Events API. Before you call the API, you can explore the Placekey data in the API Explorer.  To find events with matching placekeys, you can use the Placekey filter on the API and the Placekey field will be returned in the API response. Data exported in our web application also includes Placekey, and Placekey is supported in our Snowflake and ADX integrations if you access our data through those marketplaces. 

api screenshot

We’ve also republished events – so you can access two years of historical data, starting from November 23, 2020 and onwards for Placekey. Find out more about how we support Placekey in this support article.

If you need additional guidance, you can discover how to join POI data and events data with our Placekey guide, available now in our technical documentation.

Connect to POI data via Placekey to get more out of PredictHQ event data 

We are seeing further restrictions on what data companies can access with Apple’s IDFA, CCPA, GDPR, and further privacy regulation around mobile foot traffic. This makes PredictHQ’s future-based predicted attendance and event context even more valuable to businesses who need to explain the “why” and “who” behind sudden spikes – and dips – in demand. 

By leveraging Placekey to connect POI data with PredictHQ, you are able to use events data with your POI data to see what is driving the movement of people in an area. This can help you fill the gap you are seeing due to greater restrictions in other tracking data.

Examples of additional use cases powered by combining Placekey with events data include:

  • Site selection: See how events impact different sites to choose the best locations for business success.

  • Competitive intelligence: See how events may impact the competitive landscape and could help or hinder competitors. 

  • Urban planning: See how events impact traffic, movement patterns and consumer behavior so city planners can streamline traffic and movement patterns. 

  • Advertising and marketing: Marketers leverage intelligent event data to make informed, data-driven decisions on what you target and what you spend.

  • Trade area analysis: See how events may impact customer behavior to better understand trade activity within a given geographical area.

Join the ranks of data companies leveraging joint datasets to paint a more complete picture of a given phenomenon, and use these insights to improve decision making. See our technical documentation to learn how to use Placekey to identify demand-driving events near you step by step.